Meeting Minutes 11/20/2011

Meeting Minutes for the KSA of Southern Colorado 20111120 Sunday

In Attendance:

    Chieftain: Kurt Murray-Cameron
    Chaplain: Max May
    Marshall: Kurt Salzgeber
    Tanift: Bob Peloso
    Shanehee: T’Chris Gardner


    Steve Chastain
    Ron Smith


Initiated Brothers Ron Smith and Steve Chastain.

Membership list is circulating through emails. Please update your information and return it to the secretary (T’Chris If you did not receive the email, please send your contact information to the secretary so that you get on the emailing list.
Please contact us if you will *not* be attending a stated event. The Calendar has been updated.

The group decided to move the stated meetings to the second Mondays of the month at 6pm with practices on Sundays. The secretary will register the room with the Building Society.

We want to practice for the next reunion starting in January, details coming. The next Reunion is April 19-21, 2012. We need to work on our floor work a little bit. We got a standing ovation for our performance in the November Reunion. We’d like to make sure we do it again next time.

The KSA-SCO website is up and running. If you want to contribute content, please contact the secretary. We are currently adding calendar information to the page. Brothers May and Murray-Cameron have volunteered to help.

We discussed doing the “original” version of the 29th Degree some night in Murray Hall as an educational moment.

We’d like to do St Andrews Feast next year in November and open Burns’ Night in January to families. We will do a trial run for the KSA this year and see about doing the Burns’ Night publicly in 2013. There was a small discussion about using Burns’ Night as a fundraiser but that was tabled as we do not have a bank account as the KSA and are not allowed to have one.

Brother Peloso suggested adopting some charity as the KSA. He suggested something to do with animal rescue. Other suggestions were something about Geometry/Math skills or helping at the Grand Lodge Museum.
The matter was tabled for now.

Brother Peloso is looking into getting us a wax seal.

Brothers Salzgeber and Peloso to review the bylaws and consolidate them. Brothers May and Chastain offered to help. The results are to be reported in the February meeting. The Bylaws will be sent to the secretary for distribution.

Brother Salzgeber is reviewing the differences between what the Scottish Rite does today compared to 100 years ago.

Brothers Murray-Cameron and Salzgeber will review the rituals we have with Brothers Gardner and Smith to make them “flow better.” This is also due in February. Brother Gardner will make copies of the results for distribution.

Dues are a once-in-a-lifetime event so far. We may reconsider that sometime in the future.

Brother May has offered to bring food for the December meeting.

The Lodge closed in typical form at 1720 on 2011/11/20 with 7 members in attendance. Please and Harmony prevailed.

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